The Genius of Jesus

December 7, 2015



Soon afterward Jesus began a tour of the nearby towns and villages… He took his twelve disciples, along with some women…Mary Magdalene, Joanna,  Susanna; and many others who were contributing from their own resources to support Jesus and his disciples.

Luke 8:1-3 {Selected} NLT


What lies outside the system of giving is not earth, nor nature, nor ‘ordinary life’, but simply and solely Hell.”

~C.S. Lewis


As you can see in Luke 8:1-3, Jesus and the disciples were supported financially by a group of women. My question to the congregation last night was: “Why did the Son of God {being Creator and Owner of everything} depend upon a group of women to support Him financially? I didn’t really answer my question but Jesse, husband of Ginger and Father of Jake came up to me after the service with the answer.

What is the one of the greatest privileges and blessings in life? It is the privilege of giving. True, God doesn’t really need our help, the world is His and all that is in it. Jesus was not in a financial bind but He would not rob these  precious women of the privilege of being a part of His ministry. Thank you Jesse, it is so simply yet brilliant.

Who do you hurt when you refuse to give? How many happy misers do you know? There were people in the congregation last night that are miserable on the inside because they are beginning to see that there is no future for earthly riches. Yet, it has not dawned upon them to become a partner in the Kingdom of God. They are missing the greatest joy in life and don’t know it.

merry christmas 2

  • Just an absolutely wonderful day. We had 210 in LCBS on campus and Joe David’s College group is the largest class and they don’t meet until Thursday. He had more in High School LCBS yesterday than we have had in years. Jim Tanner’s men’s class had 12. Hannah and Sylvania’s class was bursting at the seems. The CHOIR was fantastic and they will be doing selections from the musical for the next two weeks. God is good!
  • Our MISSION OFFERING was not great but I am not giving up: we need $8,000 to get our goal and I am praying. You better put a latch on your back pocket and purse: my God is an awesome God and He answers prayer.
  • I talked to Dot last night and Buford did not have a great day but we agreed together {last night] in prayer for God to move this mountain and allow Buford to be baptized. I didn’t get to talk with Gary Garner, but I did talk with family and he is making progress. Kane was at worship yesterday morning. The boy is tough, he have the heart of a lion. I may change is name to ‘Braveheart.’ Keri was also back: we have an unspoken for Keri, another mountain between her and treatment. Would you join me in asking God to move this mountain.
  • A slight change in plans for next Sunday Night: our menu will be Pizza, chicken fingers, dips and chips. Some desserts will be ok and you bring the cokes.
  • I knew I was forgetting something last night but I have an idea for the 20th. I have a communion scheduled for 5:30 but I would very much like to make a ministry visit to the Nursing Homes. This could involve all ages. We can carol, hand out gifts and visit patients. The only problem is: we can’t do it after 4:00 so I am thinking about 3:00 PM. Pray about it. We will not be going to church, we will be doing church. We don’t have to have a huge crowd, just people who really want to do this. I’ll get the gifts. Let me know if you like the idea. I think it is inspired but time will tell. You just can’t do this kind of thing on Wednesday night which is why I think the 20th will be excellent.
  • June and I watched another Hallmark Christmas Movie last night…THE BRIDGE. Don’t watch it…for a review go to MY STORIES.

Pray for Buford