Alberts Praise

January 16, 2013

MyHope coming November 2013
SCRIPTURE: Jesus said…Upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. [Matthew 16:18, NASB]

QUOTE: When the chaff is separated from the wheat, the wheat germinates and begins to grow. ~Erwin Lutzer

COMMENTARY: When I say Albert Einstein you think…brains, super intelligence, brilliance, genius, quantum physics, etc. Albert Einstein was a Jew born in Germany on March 14, 1879. He passed away when I was 6 years old [1955]. Albert had been a professor at Berlin Academy of Sciences but was visiting the U.S. in 1933 when Hitler seized power. He stayed in the U.S. and became a citizen in 1940. I think Albert believed in an infinite intellect and power but he did not acknowledge the God of Abraham or his Son Jesus Christ, not to my knowledge and I would certainly like to be wrong. Albert did do something that most people in his community would never have mustered the courage to do: He praised the Christian Church for her resistance to Hitler. When is the last time you heard someone from the secular realm praise the church?

Einstein_1921_“Being a lover of freedom, when the Nazi revolution came, I looked to the universities to defend freedom; knowing that they had always boasted of their devotion to the cause of truth but the universities were silent. Then I looked at the great editors of newspapers, whose flaming editorials  is days gone by had proclaimed their love for freedom, but they like the universities [higher education] grew silent in a few short weeks. Only the church stood square across the path of Hitler’s campaign for suppressing the truth. I never had a special interest in the church before but now I feel a great admiration for it because the church alone had the courage and the commitment to stand for freedom. I am forced to confess that what I once despised, I now praise unreservedly.” [Erwin Lutzer’s Hitler’s Cross, page 162]

EXTRA: Joe David says he is not preaching on Job again. The day after he preached on Job, Lori wrecked their red truck. I go on-line and have a praise party and all hades breaks loose. Yesterday was a day of bad news: [1] Gary took a turn for the worse [keep praying] [2] June drowned the Lexus [3] While making a routine visit, I get more bad news [4] News from Seth was not good [it did change later, PTL] [5] Had a splitting headache all day and couldn’t shake it. [6] June and I go to move a freezer last night from the garage to the utility room, get it in the house and through four doors and then it will not go through the last door. So I strapped it back to the hand truck and pushed it down to the creek, dumped it in to see if it would float. Just kidding, carried it back outside in the rain, all away around the house in the rain and through the back door. Yesterday, it seemed like Murphy’s law was in effect…whatever could go wrong did. This is the place where you say, “Bless his heart.” [Everyone except Jason and Willard: if they start feeling sorry for me, I am in trouble]

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